


Your Property Portfolio

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You're a Builder, Engineer, Manager
A Property Investor...
A Property CEO.

and you want to acquire more property faster to reach your financial & retirement goals sooner.

But you lack either the time, money, or knowledge to make your property dreams a reality.

The solution?

Strategic partnerships...

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We're Here To Help

Most property investors find themselves stuck at some point in their journey.

Construction professionals: You have the skills and knowledge but can struggle with funding due to being self employed..

High income earners: You have access to finance but often lack time and strategy because of being so caught up in your profession or business..

We teach you how to overcome these problems & get more property sooner through strategic partnerships, to acquire under valued property and force appreciation through renovations to recycle your deposits quicker.

So you can get more property sooner.

Or in some cases, even fix and flip to pay down long term holds to achieve financial freedom sooner.

Here's what our Property-CEO's have to say:

Raj B

- Business Broker
- Property-CEO

Riaan S

- Mechanical Engineer
- Property-CEO

Andrea H

- Store Manager
- Property-CEO


- Property-CEO


- Builder
- Property-CEO


- Instructional Designer
‍- Property-CEO

John D

- Delivery Driver
‍- Property-CEO
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Property CEOs

Property-CEO® is different

We teach our members how to get more property sooner through strategic partnerships... and we give you the technical support AND the coaching support to take action and create extraordinary transformations in your property portfolio.

This is why our clients have secured over $100,000,000+ in property & only 15 hours effort per deal.

Our process just works...

Welcome to our site. Have a look around, download our free resources, check out our Blog, see our Results and meet some of the people we’ve worked with.

And when you’re ready, click below to watch a complimentary training about the exact process we use to help our clients get more property sooner through strategic partnerships… without having the time or finances to do it themselves or worrying if the market is up or down.

Welcome to Property-CEO.com
All the best,

Jim Dodd, James and Delsey - Co-founders of Property-CEO.

Jim Dodd


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Most Downloaded Resources..

Check out our resource library & find proven playbooks, trainings, and tools to grow your property business.

Access the FREE training materials by clicking on the images below.

J.V. Proposal Framework
Fear Crusher Framework
Buffet Money Matrix Framework
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